A small but beautifully formed group collected together on a sunny Saturday to make 'Pet Portraits'
There were a few familiar faces but also a couple of new friends too which is always good.
We started off with piecing backgrounds and they were all encouraged not to plan too much but adopt a free approach. Some added a small amount of machine embroidery. June was delighted to discover that she had more stiches programmed into her machine that she thought.
Once backgrounds were done it was down to facing the fear with some Free Machine Stitching.
Many people are concerned when they first try this and it is often hard to persuade people that practise is all that is needed.
Then the applique could begin. Unfortunately time ran out before anyone was completely finished as it so often does.Where does that afternoon go ?? Everybody made enough progress that I feel confident they will all finish and hopefully bring them back to show us or send photos.
Thank you to all the ladies that attended for making it such a pleasant day.
And thanks to Margaret for keeping us well supplied with tea,coffee and biscuits.